Colour and Trend

October 27, 2013 § Leave a comment

In this lesson. Margo (tutor) started talking about the history of colour and how people thousands years ago used to make colours. In todays life. Colour plays such an important role into sending the intended message to the people (consumer), because colour plays with our emotions, and getting the right balance between colours is everything.

In this lesson we also learnt about how colour was extracted from natural resources. For over 3000 years. Colours used to dye our clothes and make our paint etc was obtained from animals, plants, and minerals, and the process of making the colour was tough and time consuming. All this changed when a chemist student William Henry Perkin found a way to produce colour using waste from coal gas industry products.


We then talked about colour in films. film producers/directors focus so much on colour, and pay a lot of attention on how colour is used in their films. Adding wonderful colour effects could make the film a lot better, like for example the orangey colour in ‘Mr Fox’ film adds warmth and comfort to the it. We were shown many examples but the that stood out to me was the film by Wes anderson ‘ The darjeeling limited’

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