WORKSHOP: The Consumer

October 28, 2013 § Leave a comment

Today in the studio we talked about us as consumers. We spoke about the importance of the social media and it plays a big part in creating the creative network and engaging with others around the world. We were also told about our target audience, which were students in Hong Kong. These students are of the same age as us and they study design and animation. We were asked to write down on a piece of paper things that makes us unique from others, and things that we like doing, and so did the Students of Hong Kong. We then spent around 20 mins comparing the two together, and spoke about the defereneces. The reason for this was to give us an idea of how the design world works and how important it is for us to understand the global design industry and more importantly understand our clients, no matter where they come from.




Some of the Hong Kong students with their feedback on what they think is important in their social and home life

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