October 29, 2013 § Leave a comment

Using the Adobe Creative cloud for the first time.. I think. first lesson was about learning the basics of this software. The tool we got to learn in this lesson is the pen tool, its a tricky one, but once you get used to it, it becomes easy.
First click will make the first anchor point, but you don’t see the line until you click again somewhere else on the page.
To make a curve. You click and hold on the mouse, then drag the point until you’re happy with the curve.


The next chapter of the lesson was to use the pen tool on an image. Cutting around it and getting rid of the background.




After going around the image, in this case it’s latte sachets box. We have to make a selection to select the path we made. To do that we simply click on ‘make selection’ on the drop down menu or right click on the path bar.




This is how it looks like after removing the background. Using the pen tool is better then using other tools is because it’s more precise on which bits you want to select. Using for example the magic wand tool will not result in more finer, smooth edges.


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