Lecture: Colour psychology

October 30, 2013 § Leave a comment

Like we spoke about the importance of colour on the last lecture. This lecture is similar but it speaks about the psychological part of it, and how it effect us mentally. Colour plays with our emotions and it is so important to the point where it makes us decide wether we want it or not, just on the colour aspect on the thing.

primary colours- red – yellow – blue
seconday colours- green – purple – orange
mixing all these colours could result in creating over 7 million colours, with of course adding black and white.

We then spoke about the relation between colour and emotion. We related colours to where we find them most, like we said that red and orange are warm colours, and we mainly see red and orange in fires for example volcanos.


We Then did a colour exercise on how we see colour and relate to things in our world.

Red – evil, danger, fire, warmth, hot, burn, blood, health

Blue – water, wet, cool, cold, ocean, sky, life

Green – nature, trees, oxygen, also illness

White – good things, pure,


After the little exercise, we watched a video about a little girl in red on the Schindler’s list, how the girl stands out from the black and white video. She’s the only one in colour which could symbolise danger or target or the main focal point.



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