Taxonomy Project

October 24, 2013 § Leave a comment

collect 30 artefacts or images of the same type. Produce a body of design/animation work that 

communicates the taxonomies and cultural insights within this collection to a specific audience –
young, design-aware students in Hong Kong.

Communication with this audience will be via internet methods (your blogs, twitter). The University of Huddersfield has a significant Chinese community and you may choose to approach individuals 
in this community to inform your work.

From your collection you will develop the most appropriate concept and produce a cohesive body 
of work. The presentation of this work may be a number of static images or designs, moving 
image, virtual display, animation or physical installation.

Blogging at last

October 24, 2013 § Leave a comment

The start of my second year course at Huddersfield University. I have been asked to create a wordpress blog and constantly update it with all the uni work that I do, and also all the creative stuff that I do outside of it. This years modules are and they are “thinking and practice” and professional practice and both related to the graphic side of learning. The third module is design in practice. This covers the theoretical part of the learning curve. It may sound that three modules is not a lot for the whole but, theres a lot to cover within each module.

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